Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A stand-still? This early on? I mean come on!

Goodness! This is ridiculous! I am already at my first stand still! I am afraid to change my diet around, I have a tendancy to fear inital change, plus I dont want to gain - I would far rather be at a stand still than gaining, but I want to lose so-o badly. I know I need change because I know that its my consistency that is killing me! But I must admit, I would rather take a risk and find the problem and fix it, rather than just leaving it. I need to mix it up a bit. This is HARD.

I am going to start trying to jump around my days:

M/W/F: 2000 Calories

T/T: 1500 Calories

Sat: 2000

Sun: 2500

I really hope this works. Maybe I am working out too much and making myself hungry...I need to buy myself a protein drink mix...

This is horrible. I hate stand-stills. So from here on out, I am re-evaluating my plans every month (or as needed) to help my body get to my goals. After all, I don't mind my body, I need this to achieve my goals. And I hate when things get in the way of my goals. MOVE.